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Former trader fined for illegal alcohol sales to underage buyers

24 May 2012

A former Chesterfield retailer has been fined after admitting breaking a number of trading laws including sales of alcohol to underage buyers.

Fawad Karim appeared at Chesterfiled Magistrates Court on the 3rd May where he pleaded guilty to two charges relating to alcohol sales to underage buyers, three charges relating to tobacco labelling, and one charge relating to labelling on vodka bottles.

He was fined a total of £549 and ordered to pay a victims' surcharge of £15. An order was also made that all the confiscated goods should be forfeited.

Councillor Kevin Parkinson, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said:

We have a duty to enforce licensing laws and protect public safety.

Offences such as these are taken very seriously. The vast majority of traders operate legally to make an honest living and this case's outcome sends out a clear message to those that are tempted to break the law.

Karim lost his licence in November last year after selling alcohol to underage volunteers, stocking vodka not produced at a legitimate distillery, and possessing 7,000 cigarettes which did not have UK duty paid.

Action had been taken after police and trading standards officers received a number of complaints that under age sales were taking place.

A 17-year-old volunteer was twice sold four cans of lager on separate visits to the store organised by trading standards.

And on a follow-up visit by trading standards, police and environmental health officers from Chesterfield Borough Council, bottles of 'Arctic Ice' vodka were seized which were found to have been illegally produced and failed to comply with labelling requirements.

Source: Derbyshire County Council

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