New CitizenCard for the Wirral!
CitizenCard has been launched on the Wirral backed by the local authority. The council has joined forces with CitizenCard, the national proof of age scheme, to launch the "Wirral CitizenCard".
The card is designed to be carried by young people to prove their age and, with its distinctive PASS - Proof of Age Standards Scheme - logo, will combat fake ID cards.
The scheme was launched by Wirral Trading Standards at Birkenhead's Vue Cinema as part of Alcohol Awareness Week. Young people across the peninsula are now being invited to apply for a card, which are available now at a reduced price of £10 compared with the usual £15.

If you live in parts of Birkenhead, Tranmere, Rock Ferry and Wallasey, where it has been found there are higher incidences of underage sales, you may be entitled to a free card.
Councillor Brian Kenny, Wirral's cabinet member for the environment, said:
There are plenty of fake cards around but one thing they have in common is that they don't carry the PASS logo, so the Wirral CitizenCard can be relied upon by young people and retailers alike.
Trading Standards are committed to stamping out the sale of age restricted products to underage children – it is their aim that all young people old enough to buy age-restricted goods will carry a CitizenCard to prove their age, and that all of Wirral's retailers will gladly accept the cards in the knowledge that they are a reliable and robust proof of age.
CitizenCard is endorsed by the government and the police and proves young people's age to allow them to get into pubs and clubs.
Application forms for the Wirral CitizenCard are available in Wirral Council's One Stop Shops, Police Stations, local off licences and newsagents.
Source: Wirral Globe online, 24 November 2011